4. Tentative Parcel Map (PARCELMAP 7099-2017, No. 74582) and Development Plan Review (DPR 5953-2016)
Project Address: 2771 North Garey Avenue
Project Applicant: The Waterford Group
Project Planner: Ata Khan, Associate Planner
Council District: CC District No. 6
Tentative Parcel Map and Development Plan Review for a proposed 506,000 square-foot residential and commercial mixed-use development under the development standards of the Corridors Specific Plan (CSP). The project would involve demolition of the existing one-story building that covers nearly half of the project site and associated chemical storage building, and construction of two mixed-use buildings with commercial ground floor uses fronting Garey Avenue, residential uses throughout, and two wrapped parking garages with partially submerged levels. Wrapped parking structures are defined in the CSP as a partially submerged or above-ground parking structure where non-parking uses are integrated into the building along the parcel’s entire street frontage(s) on all levels of the building. The parking structure is totally hidden behind non-parking uses in Building A and B. The City of Pomona General Plan Update (GPU) designates the project site as a “Transit Oriented District: Core” Place Type and the site is part of the North Pomona Center Transit Oriented District. The project site is zoned Corridors Specific Plan. In the CSP, the site is designated as Transit-Oriented District: North Metrolink. Pursuant to the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA Public Resources Code, Section 21083 et. seq.), the guidelines include special situations for projects which have been determined to be consistent with the development density established by existing zoning, community plan, or general plan policies for which an EIR was certified and which shall, therefore, be exempt from further environmental review. This streamlines the review of such projects and reduces the need to prepare repetitive environmental studies. In compliance with Article 12, Section 15183, (Project Consistent with a Community Plan or Zoning), the proposed project described above hereby meets the guidelines of CEQA. Therefore, no further environmental review is required.
Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve Tentative Parcel Map (PARCELMAP 7099-2017, No. 74582) and Development Plan Review (DPR 5953-2016), subject to conditions.