Vibrant, Safe, and Beautiful
File #: 25-1116    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Consent Calendar Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 2/10/2025 In control: City Council / Housing Authority / Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency
On agenda: 3/17/2025 Final action:
Title: Award Contract to TKE Engineering Incorporated in the Amount of $409,550 for VPD Parking Lot Renovations and ADA Compliance Design Consulting Services It is recommended that the City Council take the following actions: 1) Award a professional consulting services contract to TKE Engineering Incorporated for "VPD - Parking Lots Rehabilitation II," Project No. 428-2590-XXXXX-71081 for professional design consulting services related to ADA Accessibility design to bring the VPD lots into current ADA compliance for a cost not to exceed $409,550; and 2) Authorize the City Manager to execute the consulting contract and any subsequent change orders on behalf of the City.
Attachments: 1. Staff Report Award TKE VPD ADA, 2. Attachment No. 1 - Draft Agreement - TKE
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Award Contract to TKE Engineering Incorporated in the Amount of $409,550 for VPD Parking Lot Renovations and ADA Compliance Design Consulting Services


It is recommended that the City Council take the following actions:


1)                     Award a professional consulting services contract to TKE Engineering Incorporated for “VPD - Parking Lots Rehabilitation II,” Project No. 428-2590-XXXXX-71081 for professional design consulting services related to ADA Accessibility design to bring the VPD lots into current ADA compliance for a cost not to exceed $409,550; and


2)                     Authorize the City Manager to execute the consulting contract and any subsequent change orders on behalf of the City.