4. Time Extension (EXT-000053-2025)
Project Address: 3101 W. Temple Avenue
Project Applicant: Chloe Liu
Project Planner: Alan Fortune, Associate Planner
Council District: CC District No. 5
Request for a second one-year time extension of Conditional Use Permit (CUP-014649-2020), for the development of a new, seven-story, 57,724 square foot hotel with 90 new guestrooms, one fitness room, and entry lobby, as an extension of the existing Double Tree Hotel on a property located.
Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve Time Extension (EXT-000053-2025) granting an additional one-year time extension for Conditional Use Permit (CUP-014649-2020), subject to the conditions of PC Resolution No. 22-008. If approved, the expiration date for the Conditional Use Permit (CUP-014649-2020) will be extended from February 23, 2025, to February 23, 2026.