5. Time Extension (EXT-001785-2024)
Project Address: 110 E. Foothill Boulevard
Project Applicant: Gabriela Marks
Project Planner: Alan Fortune, Associate Planner
Council District: CC District No. 6
Request for one-year time extensions for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP-018542-2022) for the establishment of a drive-through configuration of a restaurant and for a Development Plan Review (DPR-018543-2022) for the remodel and conversion of an existing 4,400 square foot office building into an eating and drinking establishment, including a 141 square foot addition, at a property located within the Neighborhood Center Segment of the Pomona Corridors Specific Plan.
Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve Time Extension (EXT-001785-2024) granting one-year time extensions for Conditional Use Permit (CUP-018542-2022) and Development Plan Review (DPR-018543-2022), subject to the conditions of City Council Resolution Nos. 2023-233 and 2023-234. If approved, the expiration dates for Conditional Use Permit (CUP-018542-2022) and Development Plan Review (DPR-018543-2022) will be extended from December 4, 2024, to December 4, 2025.