1. Zoning Code Amendment (CODE-001403-2024)
Project Address: City-wide
Project Applicant: City of Pomona
Project Planner: Karina Diaz, Assistant Planner
Council District: All
A city-initiated request to amend Pomona Zoning & Development Code Section .1310. “Signs” (formerly Section .530-K of the Pomona Zoning Ordinance), the proposed Zoning Code Amendment will remove Section .1310. “Signs” and incorporate new sign regulations in Pomona Zoning and Development Code Section 630. “Signs”.
The City of Pomona, as lead agency, has conducted an environmental review on the proposed project per the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Pursuant to the provisions of CEQA (Public Resources Code, Section 21084 et. seq.), the guidelines include a list of classes of projects which have been determined not to have a significant effect on the environment and which shall, therefore, be exempt from the provisions of CEQA. The Planning Commission will consider adopting a Categorical Exemption in compliance with Section 15061(b)(3) General Rule Exemption which exempts activities that can be seen with certainty to have no possibility for causing a significant effect on the environment. The project may be considered for the general rule exemption in that the proposed project only includes the amendment of text of an adopted document to incorporate new sign regulations, previously studied in the 2014 Pomona GPU Final EIR. The proposed project described above hereby meets the guidelines. Therefore, no further environmental review is required.
Staff recommends that the Planning Commission continue the item to the next regularly scheduled Planning Commission meeting on January 8, 2025