| 1 | | | Consent Calendar | 1. Approval of Action Minutes from the February 5, 2025 Historic Preservation Commission meeting | | |
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| 1 | | | Public Hearing | 1. Major Certificate of Appropriateness (MAJCOA-000065-2025)
Project Address: 1515 Ganesha Place
Project Applicant: Cassie Hau
Project Planner: Alan Fortune, Associate Planner
Council District: CC District No. 6
A request for a Major Certificate of Appropriateness (MAJCOA-000065-2022) for the construction of a new 1,200 square-foot accessory dwelling unit (ADU), a new 450 square-foot garage, and a new 4’ tall block wall to match existing block wall at the rear of a contributing resource within the Hacienda Park Historic District. Pursuant to the Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the proposed project meets the criteria for a Categorical Exemption in compliance with Article 19, Section 15301, Class 1 (Existing Facilities) and Section 15331, Class 31 (Historic Resource Restoration/Rehabilitation) in that the project consists of minor alterations to an existing structure that complies with the Secretary of Interior’s Rehabilitation Standards.
Staff recommends that the Historic Preservation Commission approve MAJ | | |
Not available
| 1 | | | Discussion | 1. Determination of Historic Significance (DHS-000111-2025)
Project Address: 1438 W. 11th Street
Project Applicant: Jorge Gutierrez
Project Planner: Alina Barron, Senior Planner
Council District: CC District No. 2
A request for a Determination of Historic Significance for 1438 W. 11th Street.
Staff recommends that the Historic Preservation Commission determine the property located at 1438 W. 11th Street (DHS-000111-2025) is not historic and adopt Resolution No. 25-004. | | |
Not available
| 1 | | | Discussion | 2. Determination of Historic Significance (DHS-001681-2024)
Project Address: 1326 S. Palomares Street
Project Applicant: Ricky Huang
Project Planner: Alan Fortune, Associate Planner
Council District: CC District No. 3
A request to make a Determination of Historic Significance (DHS-001681-2024) for 1326 S. Palomares Street.
Staff recommends that the Historic Preservation Commission determine the structure at 1326 S. Palomares Street is not historic, and adopt HPC Resolution No. 25-002. | | |
Not available
| 1 | | | Discussion | 3. Determination of Historic Significance (DHS-001765-2024)
Project Address: 874 E. Arrow Highway
Project Applicant: John Begin
Project Planner: Carlos Molina, Associate Planner
Council District: CC District No. 6
A request to make a Determination of Historic Significance for 874 E. Arrow Hwy.
Staff recommends that the Historic Preservation Commission determine the property located at 874 E. Arrow Highway (File No. DHS-001765-2024) is not historic and adopt Resolution No. No. 25-005. | | |
Not available
| 1 | | | Discussion | 4. Discussion of the Historic Preservation 5-Year Work Plan | | |
Not available